From The River Wild : Meryl: ... I'm sick of the whole thing. I'm sick of the whole fight. Everything has become unbelievably hard. Her mom: Huh. Honey, forgive me, but you don't know what hard is. That's because you give yourself an out. In our generation, we had no out. That was the pact of marriage. Do you think if I gave myself an out ... with your father, given his orneriness and his deafness, that I wouldn't have taken it years ago? I have often chatted with my daughters about the difference between the hard and the impossible, and that distinction has been in my mind frequently of late. (Not, by the way, because of my marriage; to quote Joe Dirt, you're paying attention to the wrong part of the story, man.) I think that the values of delayed gratification, sacrifice, and paying for things as you go are increasingly ... not valued. I have friends that run into hard times, and I understand hard times -- I grew up in them, and most of the world, b...
Thoughtful (and hopefully entertaining) meanderings ....