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Showing posts from July, 2011

Other people's relationships

I find it hard to understand how wrapped up some get in other people's relationships.  I've had many friends and family split from their significant others in the last couple of years, and watching the dynamics of how various people reacted has been ... entertaining, maybe?  Certainly interesting.  I have sometimes found myself feeling like Bones, scratching my head and saying, "I don't know what that means."  Here are some examples, anonymized as much as possible. 1)  A friend splits up with her husband.  Okay, I get the normal splitting of friends (though I think, with mature groups of people, that is unnecessary).  What I don't get is anger at the split.  Why would people get mad at their friends for splitting with their spouses?  What sort of investment do I have in that relationship?  The answer should be none.  I mean, it may make situations socially awkward, and it may inconvenience me now ... but actual anger?  R...