As I discussed in Part 1 ( ), I am not at all impressed with the political landscape, and I think both parties have major problems. Democrats want to throw money at everything, and Republicans are greedy. (Please at least read the first post if you think that statement is without nuance; the nuance is over there.) However, I do think citizens should vote, even if none of the candidates meet their requirements. You can always write someone in or vote for your least worst candidate; besides, there are always other measures and candidates to vote for, too, so at a minimum you still need to go to the polls. My top two candidates are not running, and my 3rd favorite will not make the cut, so that leaves me with my 4th favorite. Unless something odd happens, I will vote for him. Here is how I came to this decision. I 'm looking for someone that will help make the country function, which sometimes mean...
Thoughtful (and hopefully entertaining) meanderings ....