Introduction For a (hopefully refreshing) change of pace, this post has absolutely nothing to do with politics. Instead, it is about how to allocate chores and rent between roommates. Let's say you live with 3 other people. All of you move in to a 4-bedroom apartment at the same time, and all of you are on the lease. You pay the same amount, use utilities the same, and eat the same. You can add in whatever considerations you want to make all of you absolutely equal with respect to each other, how much space you have, and how much you monetarily contribute. (For present purposes, let's also say that you all agree on how many chores should be done, how well they should be done, and on what schedule.) The basics Default rules Now, how do you allocate chores? I think one important distinction is who causes the need for a chore to spring into being, and one way to think about that is "passive" chores versus "caused" chores (my terms). Passive...
Thoughtful (and hopefully entertaining) meanderings ....