This is the first in a 3 part series on the child murders in Newtown, CT. This first installment is about the biggest issue raised, in my opinion: Our country's mental health policies. The second will be about another hot-button issue: Gun control. The final one will be on the need for us to better handle the cultural shifts we are experiencing. I am going to try a new tactic and keep the blogs shorter. I can discuss sources and nuances in the comments, and shortness will hopefully widen the potential audience. Mental Illness Most of us seem to think that only "crazy" people would go to a public place and murder as many strangers as possible. True enough, but while "craziness" may be necessary, it is not sufficient -- it does not cause the incidents, but instead it permits them by removing one of the barriers (individual sanity) to such mass, "senseless" violence happening. To state what should be overly obvious, most people suffering from...
Thoughtful (and hopefully entertaining) meanderings ....