Bash evil acts. Stop using the Koran to bash Muslims. I frequently see people bash Muslims and act as if Islam is simply evil. Having known several people who considered themselves Muslim who were wonderful, and having known many more horrific people who considered themselves Christian, I find this Muslim-bashing to be disturbing at the human level, the investigation level (who is doing bad things), and the practical level (who are we ostracizing). Often these bashes are simplistic, Fox-news-esque swipes. Slightly less lazy people will often use decontextualized verses from the Koran. You know the type of statement, where somebody says, "Look, true Islam says you should kill the infidel." The point of my post is to show that decontextualized verses can easily make any religion -- definitely including Christianity -- seem evil. Remember, though: Religions aren't entities, so they can't really be evil. People can be evil. BEFORE THE VERSES...
Thoughtful (and hopefully entertaining) meanderings ....