This is the eighth and final installment of a series of posts on lessons we progressives should take on the Presidential election. The overview is here . Okay, so this last installment is about tactics, not policy. Progressives need to start telling better stories. Facts are important and all, but … well, most people obviously don’t really care about them . It doesn’t matter that NAFTA probably was a net positive on the economy as a whole as long as the opposition has a story of a factory closing. Global consensus among people that have spent their lives on studying climate is irrelevant when we have scandalous emails that show peer review processes are not perfect . Saying you had one position on the Iraq invasion even when there is demonstrable proof you had another is irrelevant if you have a cool narrative about a secret conversation with a TV personality. Note that I’m NOT being snarky here. I’m being absolutely serious that, as far as elections ...
Thoughtful (and hopefully entertaining) meanderings ....