This is the sixth installment of a series of posts on
lessons we progressives should take on the election. The overview is here.
We really need to stop trying to control speech. I get it: Free speech is tough, and it always
has been. We don’t make speech free because it is weak – we make it free
because it is strong, and “bad” speech can be really hurtful. But one of our societal values has been that
we learn to have thick skin, and we don’t try to exercise control over what
others say.
This doesn’t mean that we don’t have counter-speech. Free
speech isn’t speech without consequences, it’s speech without control. So if you say something that is jerky, the
correct response is for someone to say you are being a jerk, and that’s
completely within the spirit of free speech, which goes both ways. What is not okay is to say that the person
cannot speak AT ALL.
We should let people say hateful and hurtful things, and
then get good people to denounce those ideas and work to defeat them in the
court of public opinion. We shouldn’t
say that they cannot make a speech … though it is absolutely fine to boycott
the speech, to have counter speeches, etc.
Just don’t try to prevent them from speaking at all.
There are some obvious exceptions to this, of course. Outing someone in some way, or revealing
other private information, can be horrible.
Bullying, especially bullying the vulnerable, is terrible. But saying you disagree with a worldview or
that you practice a certain faith … ? Not so much. That’s true even if it’s about a fundamental
belief or lifestyle. Again, though, it’s
also fine if you respond to that with counter-speech – someone doesn’t get to
have his speech be free while ignoring the counter-speech consequences. (And, yes, we need to be intolerant of the intolerant -- that's a necessity to the ideal, not a flaw.)
Also, I’m not saying that people cannot agree to have safe spaces. Safe spaces can be fine, but they
come at a cost. That cost is extremely
high at a place like a university, where the free flow of ideas is a basic
tenet of the community. But you can have
specific agreements for a specific classroom, or for a specific church
congregation. There is room for specific places designated to be free of bullying behavior and common areas devoted to free speech, even horrible speech.
This is definitely one of those areas where I think it is
worth noting that, while the Left gets beat up for being politically correct,
all sorts of groups are trying to control what is said. I have several right-leaning friends who get
upset with someone saying “happy holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas”; or
with someone using the term “marry” to mean something besides one-man,
one-woman; or to refer to themselves by a pronoun that doesn’t match their
biological sex. I have a friend who was upset that Hillary Clinton would not
make a public Christian prayer (which of course, she did, time and again). Many
conservatives think it should be okay to force kids to say the Pledge of
Allegiance, and that we “went wrong” when we “removed prayer from schools,” but
conversely that they are afraid Sharia Law is going to take over. The Right likes to control speech.
But I’m not here to talk about the Right. Many on the Left will get upset if you inadvertently mess up the desired pronoun; they want to stop some jerky right-wing speakers from presenting on campuses, but will happily accept left-wing
speakers; some don’t want you to say “Merry Christmas” and take offense, even
though Christmas is hardly a solely religious holiday in our materialistic
culture. There are definitely some that take odd (and cognitively dissonant) approaches
to feminism (is it misogynistic to strike a woman, for instance, or to refuse
to strike one?) People make really
strange arguments that black people can’t be racist, when we know that people of all groups are tribal, but that white people even mentioning race should be censored.
We need to stop trying to control what everyone says. We should try to be decent people, and that means standing up and speaking louder when a jerk says something that is offensive. Don't like the Westboro Baptist Church? Instead of trying to arrest them, call the Patriot Guard Riders (or join them). Don't like liberal elites running institutions of higher learning? Get a degree and out-argue them. We need more ideas, and to get there, we need to let all the ideas come into the market place, sift through the trolls and dolts, and get to the gems.
Nice blog. I agree with a great lot of it.
ReplyDeleteAs a conservative person working in a left-centric industry (tech), I can testify first-hand that free speech has been stepped upon in recent years. Fortunately, it seems the pendulum is poised to swing back towards center [1].
There's a great deal of speculation about how Alphabet (Google) will handle the lawsuit against them for firing a conservative blog author. Some believe Alphabet will fear what discovery might bring (i.e. internal black-lists), which could lead to even worse things.
Time will tell-- I consider the lawsuit a good step in the right direction.